
Duhh.. My P1 Line is sloww!!! My problem started in the 2nd month after subscribing P1, well at first the problem has been resolved and I got my 1.2mbps speeds back.. But Until May 2009, My speed suddenly went super duper slow.. Called many times already and it appears to be resolved. Then it comes again.. This is some of my speeds during this month

So P1 called me yesterday and said that my area have too many users and the base station's are congested.. They are performing upgrades and should be completed by 2nd week of September..
2nd week of september??? O'rly?? uugh.. All I can do is Wait and Wait and wait...
My advice for other P1 user, before subscribing, please check weather your area got coverage or not, how good is the service, etc...
Go and register at Lowyat Forum , Go to this topic on P1 W1Max and there you can find users rant about P1, any updates from them and more..
Before I forgot, P1 have their new Email adress set up to receive complaints from user

ape barang...
support streamyx!
Streamyx kalo gi travel x leh bawak.....