KLCC, It is the place where many people go to when they would like to a catch a firework on a New Year's Eve or Hari Merdeka..
But then, you might find yourself dissapointed when you had to turn back home because you found out that the roads leading to there are closed. Afraid not, there is a way to overcome this. You do need to pay some charges though..
Make sure to watch the video in 1080p ya!
Note: Use Touch&Go card for the convenience..
1. You must be coming from AKLEH, Simply enter the KLCC carpark.
2. Once you tapped your TnG card and the barrier comes up, drive and make a U-Turn. This is the way to exit KLCC.
3. Once you exit KLCC, you will find yourself driving on Jalan Pinang, drive straight towards Jalan Kia Peng and try to find a slot to park your car.
4. Once you have parked your car, walk towards Traders Hotel.
5. Finish, just stand there in front of the Convention Centre and wait for the countdown.