Azlan Mahmud
As you know, I did khatam last Saturday and my brother sunat (circumsize), refer to this blog post
. So the money I collected from that I used it to buy the new PS3 Slim. The PS3 it so great!

Here is the box (photo taken today)

The PS3's harddrive space is 120GB, you can upgrade it if you want

Here's the PS3 Console, 40% Slimmer than its fat version. Oh, under the PS3 is my laptop USB cooler, IT WORKS on the PS3..

That's the PS3 main page after u boot it up. This PS3 is connected to the TV via HDMI cable that I bought at BEST Denki in KLCC for RM69.90, its a Philips

That's the console information, it comes with System Software Version 3.0, I used my laptop to download the update to 3.10 as the internet is slow..

Last picture I took, Bought the game MotorStorm 2 : Pacific Rift for RM219 and there is the 2 Wireless controller..

Ok, I am playing the PS3 now, bye
3 Responses
  1. Noor Ashraaf Says:

    panas sket lah kalau letak ps3 dalam compartment macam tu, even kat rumah acap ni pon ps3 tu kalau acap nak main, acap tarik kluar banyak2 lepas tu tala standing fan

  2. Anonymous Says:

    2" men ps3... haha