AKA Seminda

This year(2009) I went to SMK Bukit Indah after finished my primary school and got 5A's for UPSR.
At first I am really happy to be entering Secondary school. My first class when i got into there we're 1 Mumtaz. Then, the school moved us who dont want to take a test to be in that class. That class is actually a religious class. Since i am not really really really a religious person, so I just skip the test and so do many of my friends..
My first month there it was really great!! The prefect took us around the school to see where is the school canteen, mosque, Science Lab, Computer Lab and many more. The PRS (Somethin Rakan Sebaya) team make quizes in every class. We had so much fun!!
Then a week later they change me from 1 Mumtaz to 1 Bestari. The reason i did not went to 1 Arif which was the first class is because it is full. The class was OK. I had so much fun in that class. But the bad thing is the class once got the DIRTIEST Class of the Week award.. Then, I studied in the class until the first exam. After a 2 weeks holiday after the exam finished. The teacher's and headmaster agreed that all 5A's student who is in 1 Bestari should be upgraded to 1 Arif. I was so sad to hear that.
So then we were *forced* to upgrade to first class, the teacher there are quite good but not as funny as the teacher in 1 Bestari.. As time pass, many people start to transfer to other better school and only 37 people there... When i first come in to the class, Me and my best friend, Syed sit at the last row in the class.. but the class teacher changed everybody's position so that they sit to people on other sex ( I mean, girls sits beside boys) I'm glad that class teacher placed me infront of my other best friend, Afiq. I had more fun there as when the teacher are out we all sit together and gossiped about everything..... Days past, My best friend Syed has been transferred to a better school, I was about to cry that day cause it was shocking. Enough of my class, lets talk about the school
SMK Bukit Indah were built in 1996 and has been *there* alone and no activities. It started operations in 1999 when that time i don't know why the teacher said there were no Electricity at all. So it was posted in the local newspapers. As soon as it was posted, in the Evening. TNB (our Electricity provider) came and put it electricity.. I can't imagine how they studied there for 1 month without electricity, especially without a fan... Finished about the building ill talk about the environment.
THE Environment of the school is not really cheerful, there's garbage everywhere... I somehow hate the seniors there! AAARRGHH!! They didn't were proper clothing attitude, and they smoke in the toilets.. The teacher don't dare to take care of them. They will scratch the teacher's car and burst the tires. And one more thing I don't like about them is they Take money from us Juniors..
I like the ICT class there cause its AirConditioned. Eventhough it doesn't have connectivity to the Internet. I don't pretty care....;. Ill try to Race with my other friend to see who types fastest. So far know, they are teaching on Microsoft Word 2007
The school is 10 minute drive from my home, but when in the morning, traffic jam will get around 15 minutes.
I think i will be in that school until Form 3 Which is when i am 15 year old
Phewww I took nearly 45 minutes to type this..
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